Tag: Riot
Racist Media? Liars in the Media
Without Advertisers the media would have no power at all… without viewers the media would have to stand in the unemploymet line Are we facing a media that has gone insane? We saw with the George Zimmerman case that members of the media were guilty (allegedly) of editing the audio file of the 911 call…
Riots in Wisconsin?
We could be watching the beginnings of what could be a riot between pro unions and the tea party. With the news coverage that has been developing over the last few days, including an apparent White house involvement (allegedly) if someone dies will it be President Obama’s fault? When you take on the responsibility of…
Is everyone a Racist now?
Seems like a nightmare, everyone calling one another names, because they cannot have a rational discussion, what happened, to diversity? Did it get tossed, when the left realized that diversity would not work? So here you go, every thing is about racism, why is that? Since when did it become racism when people disagree?…