Tag: Respect
Citizens of America Speak Loud…
Everyone can hear the swell of the Freedom of Americans Voting people out of office that do not respect the constitution of the United States of America. It is clear that when it comes to the right of the citizens of America to defend themselves against those that would attack and murder their families that…
Its not about politics
It is not about policy, it is not about the things that we just do not understand, but it is all about the things that we do understand. What we understand is that New York has a Mayor that allegedly does not respect, the truth, that peopel are what its all about.
Does Fox news distort the news?
Is it fair to say that every news company has a slant to the news? We have to ask because it appears that fox news may not be doing you a favor at all, Here is a recent alleged, Breaking News, GM November Sales up 21 percent, but is that true? Would it not be…
Burning the Koran?
Update, the burning of the Koran has been temporarily delayed, as the Pastor schedules talks that may help in fostering religious tolerance of course this will not stop them from burning the American flag… But perhaps it is a step in the right direction. You, know when you think about respect, this life is filled…