Tag: Photo

  • Family Home Raided over Facebook?

    Ok, now folks this is beginning to get really ignorant we have seen several news stories that seem to indicate that there are some really serious problems in regard to the rights of the people. Facebook is perhaps a problem when someone looks at an image and decides to report it to the state. There…

  • Is everyone a Racist now?

    Seems like a nightmare, everyone calling one another names, because they cannot have a rational discussion, what happened, to diversity? Did it get tossed, when the left realized that diversity would not work? So here you go, every thing is about racism, why is that?   Since when did it become racism when people disagree?…

  • Arizona law

    If you wonder about the new arizona law, just read it, apparently even Janet napolitano has not read it, as reported by fox news this afternoon on the bill orielly show. If you want to know one very good reason why this law has been passed then take a look at this. What you are…