Tag: liberals
This is why Washington is in trouble
If you have any doubt you should think again, the democrats had every opportunity to do the right thing but they failed to act. They had every change to make it work, but the things they did just did not work. Why do they tell lies and why do people believe those lies? In so…
Hope and change?
Is this the hope and the change you wanted? Watch the video below for more information on what we are facing and how it is not going to be so easy this time around, you see we interviewed a 98 year old woman who remembers the Depression for what it was not what the liberals…
The sky is falling?
Who do you want in charge? People who are so emotional that they distort the truth? People who lie to you? Or people who are trying to do the right thing for our children? Help the sky is falling the sky is falling, where is chicken little or is that Nancy P, we have to…
Veto in Washington?
Will the Democrats sell out there only chance to win re-election by staging a Government shut down which is what will happen if they veto this bill, and more than that, will that spell the end of now President Obama’s chances to be elected as president again? A mechanism for funding the Government and also…
Liberals in Wisconsin
Is this the way that liberals want to play the game so close to the 2012 election? Is this the hope and the change that you voted for? With special interests being allowed to mitigate and interfere with state elections and other issue across state lines where are the authorities, where is the hope and…
Liberal Democrat liars?
Are you tired of all the lies? Are the liberals liars and why are they trying to shut down the government? We need to shut down this government because it is out of control. It needs to be shut down because they are spending money they do not have. Make no mistake, Let me be…
Gop Caves?
Will the GOP cave in to the demands of the liberals who only represent 8 percent of the American people? If that is what the GOP is all about then I no longer want to be associated with the Republican Party I am sick of spineless sniveling whining democrats and republicans in Washington selling us…