Tag: Journalists

  • Media Magic or Media Evil

    You so often see this ignorance in the Media where they attempt to influence your thinking much like the famous scene from the Star Wars Movies where the weak minded were basically controlled by words and the Force of Course.   So why do they do this, is it because they truly think that people…

  • boston Suspects found…

     [kc_heading_pac_1_headline_sub size=”50″ color=”#000″ ]Not From USA..[/kc_heading_pac_1_headline_sub] A developing story about the suspects in the Cowardly attacks in Boston Massachusetts, is being reported as having murdered an MIT police officer and was involved in a shootout that included using explosives from a moving vehicle. One of the things about this news story that you will not…

  • liberal fox news comentators, suggest that only ohio matters?

    This morning a certain blond fox news commentator, (bobble head) made the suggestion that only Ohio matters in regard to the presidential election, how stupid is that?  So, what should we do cancel the elections for all the other states? Is it reasonable to believe that only one state matters in an election? The ignorant…

  • Biased Reporting is it fair?

    When it comes to opinionated reporting you have to wonder what they are thinking, simply because it seems obvious to anyone with any intelligence what they are doing however the problem is that many of these so called “reporters” do not realize how transparent they actually are. Most people know in their hearts when they…

  • Three card monty the media and the truth

    30 years ago I was writing for a college newspaper, we used to have a standard that we believed in that standard has over the years disappeared, it has been eroded, and it has been been destroyed. When it comes to delivering on the promise of providing a truthful and unbiased news transaction the media…