Tag: Immigration Bill

  • Traitors in Congress?

    Is Rubio Finished as a Politician? Should McCain be Recalled? What is going on with these politicians that cannot understand English… Source How does it feel to be ignored? Not only do we have a far left, Marxist president who targets his political opposition with an intent of either silencing them, destroying them, or both,…

  • Immigration bill passes house GOP are done?

     Is the GOP done in Politics?   This was the question put forth on one of the media “talking head” spin doctors you see all the time, they say things that make no sense they think things that are just ignorance personified. Can the GOP win another election? But are they right, did the GOP…

  • Immigration issues, will the constitution win or loose?

    As many of you may already know there is a move in the congress to push through an immigration bill that would create some very serious problems for Americans all over the country. As many more of you may not know it is being pushed by just 8 people. The one thing the news should…

  • Harry Reid Obstructs the Senate Again?

    Well you might think that people are being deceived by the media when you hear all about this GOP obstruction, but is that really true… On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) blocked a vote on the border security amendment to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill offered by Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member…