Tag: Hour News
Fox news not real news?
Is fox news failing to meet the expectation of the consumer of hard news? The idea that the 24 hour news cycle and its expected influence on voting habits of adult voters, is highly unlikely. Today we noticed that during a fox news segment, that one of the bobble heads that do the news, either…
sick of 24 hour news coverage
Are you tired of the constant news coverage, that you just turn them off? After 72 hours of news coverage you would think that they might have had the opportunity to cover every aspect of this news story however, they just keep on and on and on. The thing is how long will advertisers continue…
News OCD 24 hour sick news
Should fox news be shut down? Do News companies have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? With this 24 hour news cycle we apparently have to listen to the same old news story for hours on end as if it were the only news and as if no one has yet seen the news, repeating over and over…