Tag: Gutter
Dirty Laundry
The news media can deny it but the truth is dirty laundry sells. The media is corrupt and they are a sad reminder that western society has finally fallen headlong in the gutter. You look at the media and its not hard to imagine what they might try to do next, the media is corrupted…
Why Liberals just dont get it.
Have you ever come in contact with someone that cannot agree on anything, even when the sky is obviously blue? For some reason which 93 percent of the population cannot understand, liberals behave in a different manner than ordinary citizens, we do not understand how anyone could play games with the tragic events that occurred…
Fire in Tennessee
Just a reminder, this is the worst place in the entire united states to live, one where you dont want to be… If this is the way that people in Tennessee, are, I sure dont want to live there, but to be fair, I really do not think that people in this state are like…