Tag: George Zimmerman
White house SNAFU
Watching some of the coverage by the “drive by” media you would think that the recent additional scandal of the so called POW exchange, it appears that some in the media are making statements about #swiftvoting, but that would seem to be a swift vote all on its own. They did not have a problem…
Zimmerman again in Jail?
So George Zimmerman is again in Jail, but what do you think will happen to this man? Will he be like OJ Simpson will he spend the rest of his life in a prison because of some kind of trumped up charges? Will he be punished by people because they think that he got away…
Zimmerman stopped by police was armed
A news story surfaced today about how George Zimmerman was stopped by police and declared a gun. I am sure that the news source that published that article thought it would be a big news story, but in reality its not. If George Zimmerman is in Texas he will not have to worry about carrying…
Zimmerman Rescue?
Did George Zimmerman actually do something good? Perhaps he did, but it seems interesting that some media outlets only dropped the reference to Zimmerman being a White/Hispanic only for this story, does that make sense at all? Advertisers should be ashamed to advertise on these news companies that play games with the lives of people…
George Zimmerman what the media will not cover…
This video is really interesting not for the reasons you might think, this man has a very sound opinion about life and the Zimmerman case. Warning this video may be intense, but I find the presentation really motivating and intelligent, the media will not cover the truth about America, its not about color, its about…
Zimmerman the man the media made everyone hate.
You see comments on the social media circuit and you would think that George Zimmerman was a serial killer like, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was an American serial killer and sex offender, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal who committed the rape, murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991, To hear…
Chris Wallance Biased comments…
We know that many news outlets attempt to present a viable and reliable news presentation, Fox makes much about the fair and balanced approach, however is that really accurate? Today we watched Chris Wallace make a statement before introducing a video of the George Zimmerman reaction to the verdict. Bias can take many forms and…
more zimmerman strangeness with judge
This is really strange, Bizarre, Weird, Strange behavior by the judge… Speculation is raging that the judge in the George Zimmerman case could have been put under pressure by the Obama administration after she staged a bizarre outburst during which she interrogated Zimmerman while repeatedly silencing his lawyers. When you look at this you have…
Racist Media? Liars in the Media
Without Advertisers the media would have no power at all… without viewers the media would have to stand in the unemploymet line Are we facing a media that has gone insane? We saw with the George Zimmerman case that members of the media were guilty (allegedly) of editing the audio file of the 911 call…