Tag: Garbage

  • zimmerman juror breaks rules?

    You might wonder about the Juror that came out and made statements about the Zimmerman case. On ABC yesterday there was an instance of “bobble head bias” They had an interview with the Juror, who apparently had second thoughts about her decision. The truth about this left leaning broadcast, was that there were several facts…

  • Fair Elections

    Can there be a fair election when the media takes part in the election process? I find that there are some serious issues in how the media covers election candidate. Should something be done to prevent the media from giving free coverage and free PR to certain Candidates while other candidates have to pay for…

  • An ounce of prevention

    Benjamin Franklin once said that “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” How true that is, with regard to the most recent congressional circus and caucus, you have to wonder, just what they really are doing up there, Liberals on some of the news stations, blaming one side or the other, for…

  • bloomberg anti american?

    Is the Mayor of New york city anti American using lies and liberal garbage to try and lie to the American people? Is the mayor of New York lying to everyone using public tax money to do it with? Should you vote the mayor out of office for allegedly being a liar? That probably depends…

  • Fox news Biased in its coverage of trial?

    Is Fox news unfit as a news company? Should it be taken over ? the bobble heads cant stand that there is no more story here, they wanted a death sentence, but what they got disapointed them, is that right? When the media questions the process, right or wrong, it may be a problem. Is…

  • gallop poll garbage

    can we trust the polls? Are they real? is the media making up lies to help support a candidate? Can michele bachmann actually win or is this an attempt of the lame stream media to influence an election in an unfair way? Is there a real basis of this poll? When you look at statistics,…

  • Senate bill 978

    Will we sit idly by and watch as Senators try to make felons out of our children? Vote them out of office, if they are not fit for office then they need to be voted out, when you talk about making it a crime to view content that someone else claims is copyrighted, (which by…

  • More CNN Garbage?

    What do you think about how this company works to allegedly distort the news? Why do you think that the media does not make a better effort to cover the real news? Why does the media not cover the news at all?

  • Fox and Friends not really about hard news?

    Ok this morning we got up and had some coffee and then we wanted to catch up on the news, you know the real stories of the day, what is happening in the flood revenged states, what is going on over in the areas where fighting continues every day. But Fox and friends, let the…

  • Exit poll lies

    Are the Exit polls real? Exit polling is subjective, in fact it is almost completely subjective. This question may haunt the media for some time to come, they are making the same old same old Garbage polls, where they allegedly actually lie about the data in the polls in an attempt to shade and or…