Tag: fires

  • heat waves

    The heat over the last few days has been almost a nightmare for many with fires burning out of control and many issues that have contributed to serious conditions in different areas of the US.  

  • The heart of an Evil man

      When you begin to consider all the issues of where this nation is headed over the course of a short time it is clear that something is happening that is not very good. Sounds bad, like a book about a very bad man, in some ways it is something that we have to look…

  • Global climate change?

    Were they right, are we about to see the effects of global warming after all? More Tornados this year than many years… More fires, More, earthquakes, Changes in weather patterns. Now, Hurricane and Record Drought, Wells going dry, while other areas of the nation are flooded, something id certainly going on but is it because…

  • What happened to Fox and Friends?

    So I am wondering just when Fox news is going to actually report the new that North Korea has fired Artillery rounds at south Korea. I mean come on, how crazy is this, if you were watching Fox news, you might not know about world new that is happening in the rest of the world.…