Tag: FED
Auditing the FED…
This subject is very popular in some areas of political discussion. In fact for many the idea of auditing the FED is something that should be done for many good reasons, however it could also create a real threat to the dollar as a viable currency. For example if it were determined that the FED…
Printing money
If you watch TV for long you will see an advertisement for buying Gold and Silver. The reason why is simple, every time Washington prints money in the form of using the FED to generate revenue where none exists Gold and Silver become the Go to market.
Ron paul on Bernanke Evil?
Is this accurate? Is Ron Paul right is the FED evil?
bernanke traitor?
In many ways the FED, may not even be constitutional, in fact I have never read in the constitution where the FED is of a legal authority at all. Are we being ripped off by a corporation that is not even allegedly legal at all? Would Bernanke be a Traitor if he were to print,…
Karl Rove has been?
Does Karl have a problem with Rick Perry, because it sure looks like he does… More media mania? Why is Karl so against Rick Perry, is there some bias there that no one really understands but karl and if it is a personal thing then why push that out on national TV, does he think…
Destabalize US Bernanake?
Is the FED actively working to devalue the dollar? When you see this man talking what do you think about? When you see his mouth move what do you imagine? There are some that say that the FED is not even constitutional… perhaps they are right who knows for sure, I vote that we get…
Audit the FED?
I submit that the oil leak, will be plugged before this happens, Will we fix the problem or stick our heads in the sand… Rasmussen reports that 80 percent of the People of the US say, do the right thing and edit the fed…. Should we audit the FED, well here is something that may…