Tag: Fear
2014 Stock Market Crash?
Using Fear as a selling tool is nothing new, in fact the democrats have been doing this for years, telling voters that the republicans are against food stamps and would rather watch people starve than to help one of them out. When you use Fear as a tool to attempt to get someone to do…
Starbucks creates mountain out of mole hill
Well it appears that Starbucks has created a serious problem that for most people had died down. There are a minority of people in the US that truly believe that Gun Control works, just ask any of the families of the victims of violence if they wish they could have been there to shoot the…
Free Speech?
Do we now live in a country where we are no longer allowed to speak freely? What do they fear? Why do they do this? When will these people be removed from positions of responsibility?
Time to say Good buy to the Speaker of the House
So, what Exactly has the Speaker of the house accomplished? Was he able to prevent the designation of an unconstitutional “Super Committee” ? Was he able to broker any kind of meaningful legislation? No, allegedly he laid down at every available opportunity. So, what can we expect from him in this next term? [kc_heading_pac_17_headline_12 size=”60″…
megyn kelly pepper head?
Well it appears that once again the producers at Fox news have once again engaged in what is clearly a poorly chosen exerciser in using the teleprompter and a certain blond news lady. Watch video below warning you will see violence.. Which sort of goes to show you that even if you are well educated…
Media Bias, Media Ignorance?
Is the media being fair in its coverage of this news story? Many people would like the answer to that question because it appears that they are making a lot out of nothing, is there really nothing else on to talk about? Is the media becoming the new threat to the American Dream? This headline,…
FEAR Mongering?
Will the US default on its debt? Will there be no money for the Old folks, the disabled, the blind, those with terminal illnesses. The weakest in our society? The most venerable, in other societies, are often held with a kindness and a love, for their contribution to society. That does not seem to be…