Tag: Expression
Fox news Biased in its coverage of trial?
Is Fox news unfit as a news company? Should it be taken over ? the bobble heads cant stand that there is no more story here, they wanted a death sentence, but what they got disapointed them, is that right? When the media questions the process, right or wrong, it may be a problem. Is…
President Obama, in the right
So why are the liberals fighting against the President, it cannot be because they have any reason to believe that the American people support them because the polls, and in fact the mid term election was not only a repudiation, of the tactics, of the left, the ideas of the left, the ignorance of the…
Sedition how will it come next?
Will they silence you… Sedition Act, first what is Sedition and how has it been used in the past and perhaps in the future? What will they call it this time, will it be the patriots of America? Act. 1918 was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson…