Tag: Dictate
President prepares to Dictate…
What could possibly go wrong after all the president is doing what “HE” think’s is best for our nation… Are we on the edge of something big? Shouldnt we take a step back and count the cost. Cool Song… Kinda Katching on…. What if what one man thinks is not the truth for everyone else……
Will The Real America Stand up and Vote.
My Friends, this year we have an historical vote one that means we will have to live with the decisions we make, we can decide to let others worry about the fate of our nation… WE can allow the politics and radical beliefs of a few dictate, to everyone else what America will become in…
country judge
Apparently a county judge has decided that she has the authority to DICTATE, to the entire voting public of Wisconsin that she has the right to tell the state elected legislature, how to conduct business on behalf of the people, it is disturbing to see this kind of thing simply because if it is allow…