Tag: Debates

  • The truth about the Debates…

    When you think about how the media have allegedly subverted the debate process and turned it into an entertainment show instead of what it should be. What a Joke the Debates were this year, a series of shams perpetrated on people with weak minds. But you know what is really wrong with that last statement? …

  • Obama Wins first Debate?

    Yes folks you heard it here first, President Obama has already won the first in a series of debates that is critical for Mitt Romney and the Tea Party to win, sadly they have already lost all of the debates. Why is that and how is it possible to know the future before it happens?…

  • No hope for republicians

    So the idea that Romney has no hope and all the strangely weird (allegedly) poll numbers that tend to be based on information that no one seems to understand (allegedly) except for the allegedly biased media. What hope does a candidate have against an incumbent president and a media that have no problem shifting the…

  • Supreme court Arrogance…

     Healthcare debates, health care decisions are going to be made that will effect your life and the lives of those you love…   You know it is with great respect that men and women of all ages salute the Flag of the United States of America, for many years it has been what has kept…

  • Michelle Bachman cannot win

    Why Michelle Bachman cannot win and should drop out of the race? Perhaps, she should, after watching her attack on Perry it really convinced me that she is not capable of leading an entire nation, I was close to supporting her, but after the last two debates it looks obvious. While she may be well…