Tag: Debate

  • The Emperor’s Revelation.

    We now can have no doubt that The Emperor’s new clothes have been revealed to America and the World. . .  The debate was a revelation that the Emperor has been revealed as a big problem for the Democrat Party. I actually feel sorry for this man but even IF people feel for this president…

  • The truth about the Debates…

    When you think about how the media have allegedly subverted the debate process and turned it into an entertainment show instead of what it should be. What a Joke the Debates were this year, a series of shams perpetrated on people with weak minds. But you know what is really wrong with that last statement? …

  • Obama Lost the Debate

    Obama looses debate. You may wonder after hearing all the media talking heads saying that Obama won, but that would be a silly thing to think. If you were actually watching the debate and your honest, you saw a man who had no answers… The President has lost, the debate, by using personal Attacks. Instead…

  • Romney Wins last Debate hands down.

       You know what the biased and liberal leaning tower, of Blabel, that is the media will say but the truth is that Romney is the winner.      

  • Romney Wins, Romney Wins, Romney Wins

    The headline should be Romney Wins, the Debate because what we heard was not a complete debate, there were personal attacks, straying off topic, saying that the other man (said things that were not true) (calling the man a liar for the rest of the world) That is not how you win a debate, but…

  • Debate Apology denied?

    Did the president really Say he did not say what we know he did in fact say?

  • Debate viewed as offensive to most?

    Last night debate was really not much of a debate in fact it was reported that Biden interrupted Ryan some 92 times. How is that a debate at all? As well the moderator failed to control Biden which caused Ryan to have to rebel in order to say anything that is wrong. What a mess,…

  • Ryan won Debate

     The Truth will be counted In November…  If you could call it a debate with constant interruptions and a sad reflection of what we have in Washington, it is no wonder so many voters will be voting the democrats out of office this November.  

  • Ryan Biden debate tonight

    What can we expect tonight, these two men could not be farther apart intellectually,psychologically and politically… Its like throwing Gas on a Fire, but will the moderator throw in with biden? That is the situation that you want to have a close look at because the moderator is from an allegedly biased liberal hate mongering…

  • Obama Wins first Debate?

    Yes folks you heard it here first, President Obama has already won the first in a series of debates that is critical for Mitt Romney and the Tea Party to win, sadly they have already lost all of the debates. Why is that and how is it possible to know the future before it happens?…