Tag: Cars
Bionic Bird?
It is really hard to imagine that we are about to see a huge increase in Technology… It is after all something that we have been waiting to see for a long time. It may actually be about to happen… You can actually buy this bionic bird but don’t click the link its just there…
class warfare the media and bias reporting
What happened to the days of real reporting free of bias? To tell you the truth I cannot remember when I last saw real reporting designed to bring the news to the consumer of the news. Why are the media so invested in developing a bias that creates consumer back lash because when you look…
Racist Media? Liars in the Media
Without Advertisers the media would have no power at all… without viewers the media would have to stand in the unemploymet line Are we facing a media that has gone insane? We saw with the George Zimmerman case that members of the media were guilty (allegedly) of editing the audio file of the 911 call…