Tag: Brain

  • Immigration issues, will the constitution win or loose?

    As many of you may already know there is a move in the congress to push through an immigration bill that would create some very serious problems for Americans all over the country. As many more of you may not know it is being pushed by just 8 people. The one thing the news should…

  • Fox news airs man killing self

    IN what was obviously a terrible production mistake and what many people feel was easily preventable Fox news producers decided to follow a live event where the subject of the news story ended up killing himself. This brings up the question what were those jerks in the production booth thinking are they brain dead? Are…

  • Vote no matter what the media lies about next

    If you were a brain dead robot and you listened to what the media tell you… You would think that there is no need to have an election that Barack Obama, has already won and there is no need to leave your couch you can just sit there because its over. The media however are…

  • class warfare the media and bias reporting

    What happened to the days of real reporting free of bias? To tell you the truth I cannot remember when I last saw real reporting designed to bring the news to the consumer of the news. Why are the media so invested in developing a bias that creates consumer back lash because when you look…

  • Karl Rove has been?

    Does Karl have a problem with Rick Perry, because it sure looks like he does… More media mania? Why is Karl so against Rick Perry, is there some bias there that no one really understands but karl and if it is a personal thing then why push that out on national TV, does he think…

  • State of Florida Vs Casey Anthony Again?

    Warning….  You might have been brain washed by the media? It is possible that the media has “invented” the girl that everyone loves to hate, by using psychological words and phrases. Ok here we go again, a judge has ordered that Casey Anthony appear in a Florida Court to serve probation even after receiving many…