Tag: Arrogance
Supreme court Arrogance…
Healthcare debates, health care decisions are going to be made that will effect your life and the lives of those you love… You know it is with great respect that men and women of all ages salute the Flag of the United States of America, for many years it has been what has kept…
GOP Turn coats
Are politicians ruining the American Dream of prosperity for every day people? Will the GOP sell out the American people and if they do should they be voted out of office? Well if you were wondering if the Politicians in Washington would do the right thing, I hope you are not too disappointed, because apparently…
Our Fathers and Grand fathers
Americans have died for the dream of what it means to be free, for many years this has happened. Many of us come from families that have sacrificed to serve this nation if not directly then by a family member, in fact many of these members gave all they had to this nation to support…