Category: liberals must go

  • CNN Goofed it up?

    Did CNN miss the boat? Did they make a huge mistake? Did they show just how allegedly ignorant they really are? Is CNN stupid or is it just the people that work there? Amazing stuff folks, you just cannot make this kind of thing up.

  • The end of prosperity

    Is this the end of American Prosperity? Will Barack hussein Obama be the last American President? Is this the hope and the change that you wanted? The Great Depression lasted from 1929 to 1941, a total of 12 years. Almost 50 percent of all the children in the US did not have enough food or…

  • what comes around

    Is this the best time to fake an election?   Well it appears that the liberals in Wisconsin allegedly backed by some allegedly rogue Unions are causing some issues for the election year in a time when the economy is in a turmoil should not Washington be stepping in to deal with this element that…