Category: behghazi america
The Naked Press
We all should know that anyone who continues to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is insane. Are the press and the media really expecting anyone to trust anything they say? in·sane adjective in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally…
Hillary for President?
There are some serious issues that many believe are difficult if not impossible for the former 1st lady to overcome and while it would be nice to have a woman president at some point there will likely be one, this one does not appear to have the ability to govern. Additionally it also sort of…
gun rights insanity
It would have been UN thinkable only a few years ago for anyone to attempt to take advantage of the grief and sorrow of a tragedy and horrible event where innocent men and woman lost their lives. However those that seek gun control apparently do not care about the loss of life and the horrible…