Democrats have done nothing for the American People.
They have abused the power that the people lent to them!
They have abused the process of the constitution, changing the rules to allow that which should never have been allowed.
The only thing that will defeat absolute corruption is
Term Limits!!!
Considering the fake impeachment hoax that we have seen delivered to the nation and the world over the last three years it has become a joke and a laughing point for the rest of the world.
Great harm is being done by people who allegedly should be considered criminals… Democrats… All those who voted for this hoax with zero evidence and no accountability?
All those that voted for this lie and hoax should be voted out of office but there is a problem… They are not afraid of the people any longer. They do not believe that people will come out and vote. They think that with the help of the media they can discourage people from voting in the 2020 election process and if they do manage to interfere in the election process then with great fear America will no longer exist as a nation.
Everyone should carefully consider IF the way that the democrats are behaving and the things that they are doing are what you want for you and your children and the next generation because IF one party can take control over the government and suppress the checks and balances of the constitution then very soon the next generation will be born into a nation
no longer FREE!
They will be slaves to the very people that have done nothing to prevent that very fact in the past.

We must have Term limits because these people are going to Washington DC and they are becoming rich on the backs and in some cases the necks of hard working Americans.
They get the best of the best and leave less for the children of this nation. They get free medical care, the best no restrictions on surgeries imposed by for profit insurance companies that place making a profit over the health of those they insure.
They eat free every day paid for by the people.
They do not pay for travel.
They do not pay for gas to get to work...
They exempt themselves from being subject to the laws they make for everyone else to abide by.
Now they even want to subvert the Senate of the
United States of America.
They stood up in front of the American People indeed the entire world and they told a litany of allegations and lies.
If this makes you feel uncomfortable then you are not alone.
What you are witnessing here is an attempt to overthrow the people in favor of nancy pelosi and chuck schumer and others who appear to be in favor of overthrowing the duly elected government of these United States of America. {Allegedly by implication}
This should scare you into voting in 2020 and to remove from office this woman who has allegedly betrayed the constitution and the people of this nation. We have a serious problem that requires everyone to vote. We must vote period because this kind of ignorance cannot be sustained nor allowed.
How in the world can this nonsense be taken seriously!
Nancy says that Our Democracy in her statement but this is a republic not a democracy.
The democrats are like they have gone insane and it appears that they are intent on continuing these lies and the abuse of power that they accuse President Trump of abuse but they are the ones that have abused power.
They are the ones that have abused the American People.
Crazy Argument that makes no sense?
What is this nonsense?
Here is the democrat argument in a nutshell.
Former Vice President Joe Biden who is a candidate but not the nominee of the party has a son who may be involved in some less than savory dealings in the Ukraine.
Now, let’s just break that down for a moment because this is where the lies start to break down into a shameful failure of the press to report the truth.
Joe Biden is a citizen and he is running for the nomination of the party to participate in the election process he has not yet become the official candidate of the 2020 election.
This is important but it is something that you will not hear on national TV.
You see he is not yet been chosen as the candidate and that is a very important distinction.
Because the democrats as part of their sham and alleged hoax are alleging that our President was attempting to commit a crime but there is a big flaw in that argument perhaps even a fly in the ointment.
They are trying to argue a crime that has not been committed.
They are attempting to convict President Trump for something that has not happened and indeed cannot happen at all.
The only way that what the democrats are saying might become a crime is IF the Son of Joe Biden runs for president and then becomes the nominee for the democratic party!
But wait! There is even more to this travesty! Even if the son of Joe Biden were to become the nominee of the democrat party it would still not be a crime… Think about it!
Are you kidding?
Not at all folks, you see sometimes it is the details that the press ignores that make for the truth that they often try to bury in the refuse of all the lies they tell every single day.
You see that small detail has never been discussed rationally by any news network.
The entire democrat impeachment hoax is dependant on a lie!
The media ran with the lies and then the democrats presented this lie to the american people.
What is the lie?
The lie here is that Hunter biden is not running for president!
The constitution was written by wise men who knew that absolute power corrupts absolutely. They knew this was true and so they created this republic, (not a democracy) A REPUBLIC!
With one thing in mind to prevent one party from abusing its power and thereby taking over from the republic the very thing that America was founded upon.
What is the problem you ask?
It is a big problem because the people require a redress of grievances.
The democrats have violated their oaths of office.
They have lied to the people and they are now seeking to subvert the United States Senate. This cannot be allowed to happen or I fear for America. Many people discuss that there may be a second civil war but I say we cannot allow that to happen because everyone then loses.
No one wins in the event that America fights itself.
We cannot allow one small group of people to overthrow the will of 300 million people because then this will become true tyranny.
Violence is not the answer.
But we cannot stand by and watch the democrats overthrow this nation and its people.
So, what can you do?
Support Term Limits!
Vote against those that voted for this hoax impeachment!
Get them out of office and out of washington!
Support by making donations to candidates that will do the right thing for America.
Politely voice your support of WE the People!
Lastly but not least!