Tag: Trillion

  • GOP Turn coats

    Are politicians ruining the American Dream of prosperity for every day people? Will the GOP sell out the American people and if they do should they be voted out of office? Well if you were wondering if the Politicians in Washington would do the right thing, I hope you are not too disappointed, because apparently…

  • youtube felony?

    Will you stand idly by and watch as over paid, senators, plan on turning your children into Felons? Felons that cannot get a good job? Felons that will never be able to buy a home? Felons that will never be able to go to college? Is this the type of hope and change you voted…

  • Wasteful Spending

    People are sick of the wasted money, taxpayers shelled out $615,000 so the University of California at Santa Cruz could digitize Grateful Dead photographs, tickets, backstage passes, fliers, shirts and other memorabilia. $175 million a year so the Department of Veterans Affairs can maintain buildings it doesn’t use, including a pink, octagonal monkey house in…

  • Government shut down

    The Government shut down could save the tax payers, 5.6 Trillion dollars and save America, what do you think Americans want to do? Shut it Down, when men of Good Conscience, cannot do the will of the people in hard times, they should step aside and resign, America is more than just one man it…

  • financial reform bill unpopular

    So what is next, take over, the snow stand on the corner? Has this administration ruined the call for reform by doing the opposite of what was really needed. Reform in all its shapes, is a dirty word these days… Is the financial bill now dead? After, weeks of discussion, there still not decision, on…