Tag: Tornadoes
Could Global Warming be on its way?
We have heard for years that first global warming was going to destroy the world, but the truth is scientifically over the many many years, indications from scientists, (without an agenda) give positive evidence that there have been times when the climate was different hot then colder years, possibly related to the way that our…
What if, were all wrong and they are right?
What would happen if everyone were wrong about what is happening in Washington DC? What would happen? There are a lot of things that might be happening that because of the nature of these serious issues that the public cannot be told… That seems fair right, sure. But what if they are right, what if…
Blago on Trial
How much money has been spent on this case? How much more money will be spent, salaries, of Judges, court officials, Lawyers, and more, not to mention the cost of utilities, and many other hidden expenses, yet, for what reason are the Tax payers, involved in this issue. Our nation is facing natural disaster after…