Tag: Rick Perry

  • Rick Perry for President?

    Can Rick Perry actually win a presidential race? Is Rick Perry just another politician? Can we really afford to have yet another politician in office when we really need a man or woman that is dedicated to restoring America to its former greatness? Is Rick Perry the right man for the job? In some ways…

  • Why Mitt Romney cannot win

    The Liberally Biased media probably wants us to pick Mitt Romney as a Candidate, for one reason and one reason only, because they think that he cannot win in the General Election.  The same thing goes for Barbara Bachman, what really is interesting is how the biased media seems to think that everyone in the…

  • Biased media liars?

    Update, it appears that Fox news, is doing everything they can to influence the public concerning Rick Perry, what is interesting is this why does allegedly Fox news not like Rick Perry? Is there some reason why some of the Fox news bobble heads seem to dislike Rick Perry? It is really interesting, to see…

  • CNN debate?

    Blitzer did a decent job, over all, though he did try a few things, that were a little off but considering how badly the last debate went CNN actually did a decent job. IN the next debate, Will we see a repeat of the biased liberally slanted questions that were asked in the last debate?…

  • Rick Perry Wins

    Rick perry has again shown a solid presentation leaving the other candidates behind in his wake.

  • bernanke traitor?

    In many ways the FED, may not even be constitutional, in fact I have never read in the constitution where the FED is of a legal authority at all. Are we being ripped off by a corporation that is not even allegedly legal at all? Would Bernanke be a Traitor if he were to print,…

  • Karl Rove has been?

    Does Karl have a problem with Rick Perry, because it sure looks like he does… More media mania? Why is Karl so against Rick Perry, is there some bias there that no one really understands but karl and if it is a personal thing then why push that out on national TV, does he think…

  • Fox news biased projections

    What is fox news doing? Are they trying to influence viewers opinions on Rick Perry? What are they thinking?   Do they think that they are smarter than most television viewers? Do they think that they are better at thinking than anyone else? What do they think?   Do they think at all? These are…

  • fox news bias on politics?

    Is fox news being unfair and unbalanced when covering politics? The question is a valid one, in coverage today over the period of one half hour, Fox news ran negative segments about Presidential Candidate Rick Perry, why did they do that? The brought in Karl Rove and allegedly tried to cast a negative light on…

  • Rick Perry

    The liberals are already out in force and they are crying the sky is falling the sky is falling…   Can Rick Perry really win allegedly against a media backed Barack Hussein Obama? This is the real question, can Rick Perry beat a two against one contest, where the media works against Rick Perry and…