Tag: out of office
Imagine politicians running for office and this is how they treat you? Its time to vote those people out of office. They have forgotten that they serve at the will of the people.
Deny Deny Deny Lie until…
Amazing stuff folks, if you were watching a movie you might see something like this but in reality this is insanity. What is wrong with the United States Senate… The truth is simple it is not hard to see the truth and what is equally true is the fact that we know what a lie…
GOP problems keep on
The GOP appears to be in a tail spin more so when you consider the recent news that some powerful money people in the GOP are moving against some in their own party. Consider Peter King… Imagine if you had voted for this man in the past, what would you do now? Vote him out,…
Democrats at Fault for health care problems?
Is it fair to say that democrats are at fault for the problems that the new health care laws have produced? Yes, this is what the republicans were trying to prevent. This very thing… Yet all you hear from the media is the whining noise that democrats are trying to come up with someone else…
Harry Reid should retire… ?
Should Harry Reid continue to push this my way or the highway option? We need a plan that can work, half this nation is for fixing the problems with Obama Care, and less are for going all in. That means that about 76 percent are for fixing the problems, yet Harry Reid feels like he…
Dick Durban time to vote him out of office
It is time to send this man packing because when you have lost your mind and no longer represent the people or uphold your oath of office its time to go home.
Dumbo comes to Washington…
Think you know much about how stupid senators could create problems for everyone else but themselves? (allegedly) Now think about this, its time to vote this guy out of office…
Defeat Dick Durban?
You know there comes a time when politicians should just retire, We desperately need new people in congress people that have common sense, people that can think, people that are not prone to senility, when you look at these things you have to wonder who is voting for these people and why are they voting…
Citizens of America Speak Loud…
Everyone can hear the swell of the Freedom of Americans Voting people out of office that do not respect the constitution of the United States of America. It is clear that when it comes to the right of the citizens of America to defend themselves against those that would attack and murder their families that…
This Great Nation
[kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1 size=”25″ color=”#cc0000″ ]Moss Back or Fresh you decide..[/kc_heading_pac_6_headline_1] A nation is only as good as its people and those that stand up to lead in times of great crisis great leaders are not only needed but they are expected to do the right thing. A great leader is a man or a woman…