Tag: love

  • FEAR Mongering?

    Will the US default on its debt? Will there be no money for the Old folks, the disabled, the blind, those with terminal illnesses. The weakest in our society?  The most venerable, in other societies, are often held with a kindness and a love, for their contribution to society. That does not seem to be…

  • Who can win in 2012

    The list is beginning to grow and there are a lot of names on that list, many are expected to think about running, but in reality can they win? If some of those that cannot win would take half the money they would spend on running a race they know they cannot win and help…

  • Libyan Bombing constitutional or not?

    Well there seems to be some issue over the idea on if the President has the authority to decide military issues, while he is on vacation, perhaps there is some small grain of truth to that, but as strange as it might sound, were going to side with the President on this one, while most…

  • liberals love sarah palin?

    They must love and adore her because they just cant stop talking about her, even when she is no longer giving them interviews because of the alleged, “unprofessional” Coric, interview, (if you could call it an interview) allegedly. Do liberals love Sarah Palin?  that might sound a little crazy but you know it seems like…

  • why liberals do not care about you

    In what way do liberals show they care for people? In what way do they show their love? Why do they think they are so much better than anyone else on earth? In many ways the idea that these people think that they are smarter then anyone else is laughable, Is it really all about…

  • Fire in Tennessee

    Just a reminder, this is the worst place in the entire united states to live, one where you dont want to be… If this is the way that people in Tennessee, are, I sure dont want to live there, but to be fair, I really do not think that people in this state are like…

  • Arizona law

    If you wonder about the new arizona law, just read it, apparently even Janet napolitano has not read it, as reported by fox news this afternoon on the bill orielly show. If you want to know one very good reason why this law has been passed then take a look at this. What you are…