Tag: Gun Ban
disarming America?
Are we going to really allow Sen Kerry, who recently allegedly signed an unconstitutional United Nations Gun Ban. So, what is the deal with this man who swore to defend and protect the constitution of the united states of america. Did he lie when he swore that Oath?
Who did it? Citizens want to know…
The news has been proliferated with content about suspects, arrests and additional information that has proved in several instances to be incorrect. In some cases there have been reports that reporters want to see a certain ethnicity involved in the case. This is horrible more so when you consider that if they had mentioned anyone…
Anti American Anti Gun Anti Congress
Where does it stop no one knows. It used to be that in the days of American Greatness we were a proud people that might boast that we lived in the greatest nation. This was once a great nation and a great place to live but that is changing because we have a few…
Look out the King is about to take over?
What this is unbelievable, not only could this be true but what if it were… The fate of the Feinstein Gun Ban – and the rest of President Obama’s radical Big Government agenda – could be decided as soon as Tuesday. That’s when the fight over Harry Reid’s scheme to SHUT UP all opposition…
Gun Rights
In yet another biased (allegedly) fox news story, they had some Euro Trash on there talking about how the riots, in LA were much more destructive than the riots in London, Do those jerks at fox news really think that people are that stupid? You just have to wonder about people like that, because there…