Tag: Gas Tank
Oil Companies Sue Whitehouse?
The shocking truth about the high cost of Gas and who is to blame… Chances are someone you know may be putting money into the gas tank that they would be using for food, but the White house seems to be making things worse, for the poor man for those that have to do jobs…
Why the Media likes Mitt Romney
The Media seems to like Mitt Romney just like they liked John McCain. Remember that? Yes, we all do because, If John McCain were president now, we would not be in the dire conditions that were are in, our nation would be respected. We would not have the high number of lost jobs… We would…
biased media
Did mcCain throw the election so that another party could win? it seems unlikely, but you never really know one thing for sure, the media sure pulled a fast one with the support they gave McCain then later pulled so that the other candidate could win. Is the media trying to push candidates they think…
hope and change
So how is that hope and change working out for you, with foreclosures at an all time high in fact so many foreclosures are now in process, that many banks have gone out of business, because they allegeldy could not keep up with all the paperwork, amazing I know but I wonder how this young…