Tag: Financial Crisis

  • Financial Crisis its coming America…

    Imagine what would happen if we lost everything…  warning this video may be disturbing… If you have been living in a hole you could loose sleep after watching this video, but one thing you should understand is that what is coming will be much worse than anything we have ever seen before. The great depression,…

  • budget nightmare

    $1.3 trillion deficit for 2011, could be the largest shortfall in the more than 60 years. Are we about to face a financial crisis that is beyond the imagination of Americans? They can play the blame game but over all most Americans know what the score is here, liberals are ruining this nation, or at…

  • Economic crisis

    Obama does nothing to provide solution to financial crisis? Blames everyone else for all the problems… But has his golf swing improved the world wants to know if he is getting the best lessons he can?

  • Democrats are liars?

    Is it true? Are we about to see a financial crisis caused by the democrats? All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. This does not mean that the Senate may write a bill and it is not…