Tag: Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen comes out of the closet?
Well when it comes to Charlie Sheen you just never know do you. LOL, its interesting to watch the clowns at the circus, but in this case it might just be something more of a show than you might think. Perhaps Charlie is trying to garner some attention for his sitcom, which is doing well…
weiner should he resign
The question remains, should wiener resign and seek mental help? Should he run for the senate? You just never know I guess, but it just seems strange to me. One thing that should be considered, is the mental anguish that this situation is putting on what is obviously a man that is somewhat unstable, just…
Standoff in Wisconsin
Well it appears at least allegedly so that the unions have won out against a weak governor who cannot apparently stand on his principals or beliefs. Life changes, if you doubt that just ask Charlie Sheen how much his life has changed over the last two years. The thing is that apparently the unions do…
Charlie Sheen crazy?
Is Charlie Sheen really crazy? Is this a big giant publicity stunt? Does he really need help? Could he be in need of a medication for schizophrenia or perhaps as some has suggested bi polar. Most certainly he is angry and perhaps rightfully so. In one picture he looks like someone that has eyes as…