Tag: Anthony Weiner

  • Anthony Weiner

    Amazing stuff here when you think about it, you have to say that with id-gits like this in congress no wonder we have so many problems.

  • Senate Bill felony

    Will you stand idly by and watch as Senators you elected make criminals out of your children? Soon it could be a felony and a criminal matter to do such things as these, while Mr. Weiner was definitly in the wrong, should be really be working on behalf of the a very small percentage of…

  • double standard

    Over the past few days it was revealed , that Anthony Weiner, was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, engaged in a series of alleged lies and conversations designed to mislead and cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people. Sadly in America we have reached a new low where men who are in…

  • weiner twitter pics

    This is really a damaging story on this issue, in a new conference, that was not managed well only one half of the conversation was available.  There are photos out there that are purported to be Anthony Weiner, however, it is unproven and as much as we would like to publish these photographs we do…

  • Weiner

    Now its your turn sir, perhaps you should examine your path in order to find your future. This is what you have when you have allegedly mentally ill people in office. Now the man has the opportunity to do the right thing and admit he made an error in judgment. The democrat double standard, with…

  • weiner rant?

    What is it with people in congress, when will they learn that America is not about this crazy behavior, is it time to recall Anthony Weiner?