Tag: 2012 election

  • The Ultimate Double Standard

     Finding out what the truth is can be very hard to do.  Imagine for a moment that a corrupt media standard has led to what could be the most difficult problem ever to be examined under the light of day. An organization that is a reminder that Taxation without Representation is still in the Constitution.…

  • Media interferrance in 2012 election?

       So if you believe the media Obama has already won…   You Lie… Why the Media is getting away with Treason? Has the media gone out of its way to trouble and or interfere with the election cycle as a pundit, an opinionated slobbering malcontent that continually seeks to present one view while attempting…

  • Four more?

    You just cannot understand why we are facing the problems we face today.

  • mitt romney cannot win

    You have to wonder, if the liberal media wants Mitt Romney to get the nomination so that Obama can get re-elected, because for the most part, polls show that bugs bunny or even Elmer FUD could win the 2012 election, but Mitt Romney no way… Is it true that, Mitt Romney cannot win, and likely…

  • mitt romney cannot win period

    Are we about to see a repeat of the poor showing of John McCain in the 2008 election? Is the Media playing a game of Psychology in trying to influence the 2012 election by providing favorable coverage for mitt romney then later allegedly all they need to do is to just withdraw that support and…

  • Why the Media likes Mitt Romney

    The Media seems to like Mitt Romney just like they liked John McCain. Remember that? Yes, we all do because, If John McCain were president now, we would not be in the dire conditions that were are in, our nation would be respected. We would not have the high number of lost jobs… We would…

  • Constitutional

    Imagine if this story were true, now that could be a serious problem… What can we do to insure the freedom of our children? Vote them out of office… If it is not true this might be an amazing method of gaining, new members, one thing seem interesting here is that it seems like we…

  • democrats

    White House may be attempting to disrupt the 2012 election, that could be a big issue for demorats. Now you know that tricks are for kids and this is not Halloween, at least not yet, so what is up with this acting like children, you know what this kind of stuff is just dumb, sorry…

  • The intent of the heart

    When you think about the dream that has sustained a nation for more than 200 years, you have to consider that men have fought and died, for that freedom… When you begin to imagine the future of America it is hard to think about what you see in the stock markets today as something that…

  • Harry Reid repsonsible?

    Is the answer to the woes of the Stock market sitting upon the desk of Harry Reid? Could Harry Reid have prevented the stock market crash and the downgrade of the US credit rating? In one word, Yes, he could have but he wanted to be allegedly biased and partisan. He did not act in…