Ok this is really easy, Richard Blumenthal attorney general of Connecticut, did he actually lie about serving in Vietnam?
Well then I guess that pretty much says it all, either the guy was in Vietnam or he was not and that seems obvious that he was not but he wanted us to think he was, that is dishonest and ugly in the extreme.
There are so many issues in this country why lie about this, and you know what makes it worse is those donkeys that stood up for this cheap punk who impersonates people that really did go to Vietnam and gave their lives for our freedom.
To me that is a sickness and we do not need more of this liberal sickness spreading through America.
If you cannot trust officials who swear to protect the constitution because they are liars, then how can you trust them to do anything, ask any police man you have ever met what they think about a liar, you will find out that it is not a joke it is not a misunderstanding, it is not anything but what it is and that is wrong…
This guy does not deserve to be a senator I dont care how many democrats come out and try to muddy the water.