WE need to save money, so that we can balance the budget, but liberals and democrats allegedly are saying that they want to allegedly ruin the nation by raising the debt ceiling, the thing is that this is not the right way to do this.
From the earliest days of modern man, the United States Postal Office has been a large part of American Society, however, over the years, with the advent of electronic emails, and other more competitive, delivery methods, such as UPS or Fedex, the decline in the volume of mail has been astounding.
The Postal Service lost $8.5 billion last year. It is going to lose, at least, $8.3 billion this year. And it is projected to lose $8.5 billion the year after that," Issa said. "Congress can't keep kicking the can down the road on out of control labor costs and excess infrastructure of USPS and needs to implement reforms that aren't a multi-billion dollar taxpayer funded bailout."
While I understand that there are many that have spent a lifetime, collecting checks from the USPS can I say that it is time to reduce the number of postal offices, because for the most part they are no longer needed.
They are a wasteful and often cumbersome elephant, that needs to be updated so that money can be saved.
When a Federally sponsored agency begins to waste so much money that it becomes a problem for the American people then you must find a way to fix the problem, we can no longer afford to just keep on keeping on with all this waste. H.R. 2309:
To restore the financial solvency of the United States Postal Service We need to find creative methods of reducing the burden of cost that is just getting out of control, there are hundreds of these little post offices, that exist, in small towns, that do not really need a post office. For Example, we have three post offices in an area where we really only need one, Millions could be saved by shutting down that old buildings, that are not energy efficient, millions more could be saved by changing the way the post office is run. In such a difficult economy, how could anyone not see the need to do this right the first time. support, this bill To restore the financial solvency of the United States Postal Service