Will the liberal media never cease to pervert the truth with lies?
We ask this question because of all the hate filled speech that some liberal networks and newspapers have engaged in over the last few days.
It is the most perverse thing I have ever seen, finger pointing, blame, in complete political nonsense, the sad thing is that there are some people who really believe it, only a very small number yes, but it only takes one as far as the liberal media is concerned.
Apparently people are no longer responsible for the things they do, Why is it that when liberals make excuses for criminals they are always on the left of the political divide?
The idea that everyone but the person that allegedly did this crime is responsible for his murderous rampage, if that is true then blame the parents, blame the school that allegedly banned him from the campus because they thought he was dangerous.
Why not blame, the sheriff, who had the opportunity to take action but did nothing.
Blame is not the solution, it is the problem.