Would you support, a business that allegedly hated the American way of life?
Is it True, because I feel really bad if it is, Imagine for a moment you have a restaurant,
chain that is based in Orlando Fl.Then imagine that for the most part its prime customer base allegedly is Older Americans, aged 40 to 60 among this group most of its members either have served in the Armed forces or have a family member that have served in the Armed forces.
Now imagine Spitting on your food and then saying hi, we respect you, really we do.
In fact we actually have our employees allegedly lie to your face from time to time.
Would you believe them?
If they said, we even give our employees, a miniature, version of the American flag, (allegedly so small that you can barely see it)
Would you still eat at that restaurant?
The corporate nose pickers, (allegedly) claim that they are fine with the American flag, really they say that they are, but it is true?
While thinking about this terrible issue, (I am a regular customer of this location, in oxford Alabama)
I started thinking about long years ago when I used to work in Management, at then one of the largest Steak houses in the nation.
Every morning before we opened, I would remove the American Flag, from its location inside the restaurant, and attach it to the flag pole, I would then run it up to the top of that pole, in the morning light it looked like a great day every day.
That would what we did every single day, at the end of the day, we would lower the flag and fold it carefully never allowing it to touch the ground, and then that would be the end of the day, those were long days, and often it meant working 17 or more hours every day but those two parts of my day were always there, solid, American Values, and that was back in the 1980s. It seems like a thousand years ago and yet I can still see the flag and how it would catch the wind in the morning light.
These days you would be hard pressed to find an American flag anywhere outside an official location run by the state or the federal Government.
I wonder if it is not time to start showing where our real allegiance stands?
The problem with this story about the Olive Garden and its alleged anti American business Stance, was that at least according to the corporate lap dogs for Olive Garden in Florida is that it was some kind of misunderstanding, yeah that must be it, just an accidental
thought that somehow it was wrong to allow the display of the American flag inside the restaurant.
So if this is really true then they certainly would have no problem erecting a flag pole and a Flag outside this location right?
Sounds reasonable to me, in fact it seems like a great idea to show that a business is patriotic.
So I called the corporate offices for Olive Garden and suggested that this would be a great solution to the problem, and you know what, they said, “we have no problem with anyone that wants to bring a flag inside one of our restaurants” Now, seems like they may in fact have an issue with the flag if they are not interested in displaying a flag outside the location in oxford Alabama.
I really want to understand what people find so offensive about our flag, because it is what makes America the land of the free and the home of the Brave…
It really amazes me when a business is somehow afraid to display the flag of its sovereign nation.
Over the last 12 months I have eaten at Olive Garden, Longhorn and Red Lobster, 17 times, in fact I have spent a great deal of money taking my family and friends out to eat, at these locations, but you know what, I did not realize that I was dealing with a company and a business that (allegedly) does not respect the American Flag.
That ended as soon as I saw this news story and I called the Manager at this location and was told that no one was allowed to display a flag, so I guess that makes than an equal opportunity offender, (allegedly) You know what there are American Restaurants, out there that have no problem displaying the American flag outside their restaurants, and I will be eating at those locations in the future.
Mostly, I think that if you are ashamed of our flag, perhaps you should consider living somewhere else.
Perhaps you should consider visiting some of these other countries that don’t mind having you in their country but I will give you one bit of advice you should carefully consider before you disrespect any other nations flag, make sure you don’t mind spending time in jail.
In fact you might want to learn the language where ever you plan on going, because if you treat them like you treat us you will soon discover a violence that will shock you and will cause you a great deal of consternation.
If you need any help packing just let me know because I would be happy to take you to the air port on your way out of town, please turn in your Citizenship to this great nation because where your going you wont need it again.