News this morning alleges, that BP, or the company that is in charge of issuing checks have stopped payment on some checks allegedly, or just failed to pay others, is this true?
After the President came out and made promises, will they be kept?
The problems that America faces is significant, it could be up to 20 years before food is once again safe to eat, it could be, but no one knows for sure because this has never happened in this way before, and for this much time, you have to ask why?
Was it so that BP could save the well?
It has been said that a well placed device on or near the floor of the ocean, could have months ago stopped the leak.
But if that had happened, the well would have not been recovered.
So did BP ruin the fishing trade and nearly 25 percent of american food supplies for years to come?
Some say yes, others no, one thing for sure, this has gone on far too long and the idea that FEMA is not yet taken appreciable action is a real problem. We need to act, because this has gone on too long.