Is megyn kelly a biased bobble headed blond?
Now normally we like Megyn but today she came out with a hacket job on the girl that
trusted her to do an interview, that should have been free of bias.
However, it appears to be somewhat of a problem, because there was an omission of facts and even in some cases visual deception. Now I worry about this kind of what they used to call Yellow Journalism.
I worry about it because it is not fair in its presentation to show a prescription bottle and then not disclaim that the image of the prescription and the dosage depicted may not have been accurate or even indicative of the dosage that this woman was taking.
This story was of course about the missing baby and the mother of that child, which has received national attention. There was also a doctor that was present that made some inflammatory statements, that are not logical nor backed up by fact,
(should I call this doctor an alleged liar?)
I could, because he made some statements that allegedly were inconsistent, with the facts.
Now, the question now becomes did this doctor do this because a producer at fox news arranged for this doctor to present a certain viewpoint? It is possible, considering how they
presented the news story in the first place.
The first thing that should be corrected about this news story is that Effexor is a brand name of a drug not a drug itself. This should have been made abundantly clear and I am
frankly disappointment in Megyn Kelly for not being through on this front.
The drug is venlafaxine HCl This drug is in a class of many different brands of drugs, many of them have several different uses depending on what your doctor prescribes them for, in some cases, this drug can even be used to treat brain damage and head injuries.
So the drug is an serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) class
It is not an evil drug, likely it has nothing to do with the story in this case, they have presented a situation by using a doctor to allegedly distort the true facts in this story to insinuate certain ideas into the minds of the public, I think this is a sad situation and should it prove that Megyn Kelly was being dishonest in the presentation of this news story I think she should apologize to this young woman.
It is a shame on Fox news and a shame on the profession of being a journalistic professional and I have lost all respect for Megyn Kelly because of this use of alleged Yellow Journalism.
There are millions of people taking this drug and it is unfair to characterize this drug in this way, using a news story to bend the facts to suit your alleged pre conceived assumptions is a sory scum bucket thing to do, you should be ashamed of your self Megyn this is unprofessional and soon if you dont watch what your doing you will be (allegedly) as bad as Jennine pirro, jumping into a news story with no facts at all.