Is there an Anti Rick Perry Bias in the Media?
Can we continue to allow the media to influence the outcome of elections and call ourselves a democratic society?
Seems like every single media news company has some bone to pick with Rick Perry, is that fair and balanced?
Media Bias, Media Influence, Media Corruption…
Is the media trying to influence the republican race for the GOP candidate?
The real question should be why is every single media outlet, including Fox news, so allegedly biased against Rick Perry?
Almost every single boggle head, on Fox news, is bashing Perry at every opportunity,
(What happened to fair and balanced coverage?)
Is the news media only interested in fair and balanced when they have not interest in the news story?
Just today Fox news aired a commercial designed to promote a news story about media bias?
In some ways this is really like the kettle calling the pot black because when you consider this issue you have to think about a news company says not what they claim they are saying. When you see bias on the news and then you see a news story about bias on the news channel that is covering a news story about bias, wow is that confusing or what?
Is the media trying to influence the choice of candidates like they did in the last election where the GOP lost because the wrong man was running for president? This worked effectively for the Biased news media because they were effectively able to choose the candidate they thought could not win.
This is a problem here in that this is a method of subversion.
This process is a way of unfairly influencing the outcome of what should be a democratic election but has become something else.
Should the news media be allowed to actively participate in the election process as a third party?
In a very real way this is a perversion of the election process, and it really should stop soon because this method of influencing the electorate is wrong.
Media bias is causing a lot of problems and until this process is rejected by the American people and by the Advertisers that support these bias news media companies, we will have a problem that cannot be solved easily.
Until the day that the media stops actively trying to interfere with the democratic process then we are doomed to repeat the failures of the past.