Is the media trying to influence how you think?
Are they trying to influence what you eat?
Is the media attempting to influence every aspect of your life?
Some people are concerned that we no longer have a free media in this nation, perhaps that has been the case for along time now however, before the Internet, knowledge was limited.
Just like back in the 1950s the average reading age of an American was much lower than it is today when a much larger percentage of the population can now read, knowledge has changed and the way we learn has changed with computers, you can choose the type of knowledge that you are interested in learning.
From websites to ebooks and even portable readers, like the kindle or the ipad, which can carry movies, articles, audio books, and more, however it appears that the media has not factored this into its news coverage and so we see a lot of what must be termed, (allegedly) bias in the media because they hope to try and influence the thoughts of people who are free to do and to think as they want.
That is a serious problem, because when you try to control the freedom of a people you will not find it an easy thing to do, which explains some of the behavior that you so often see on some of the more liberal news companies.
It is frankly disturbing and it is something that should not be even allowed, but that same freedom again is what made this nation great, the media seems to have forgotten where its bread is buttered.
Who do you think supports the media?
If you said Advertisers, you are only half right, the real supporters of the media are the people, because if people stopped buying products that are advertised on media outlets then there would be no need for advertisements.
When the media attempt’s to influence the thoughts of people using keywords and phrases or even subliminal programming or using words and actions of Bobble heads, then you have a conflict of interest. Advertisers just want people to come and to buy their products, however over time the objective of some news companies has not been advertising but influence.
That is a real problem to the freedom of the press as a whole.
Think about that the next time you buy a product you have seen advertised on a network that thinks less of your than they do the agenda of thought control and influence. When you have someone whispering in your ear that the sky is purple, over time you will come to believe that the sky is in fact purple, or is that really true at all? We know that some media companies believe that this is in fact true, that if they tell enough lies, if they tell you the lie, enough times, that you will eventually come to believe it.
The thing is that discounts human will, and that is a strong thing, we know from science and from history those that “think” they know everything often end up lampooned on the petards of their own devices. It is something to consider simply because over the last four elections there have been numerous attempts by the media to influence the outcome of an election in favor of one political party, in fact we have seen that funding from the public has been used to support some media companies that tend to only present one point of view, now that is not only wrong, but it is against the spirit of the American people.
Yet, we allow it to continue, when a people are pushed too far eventually they will not accept the wants of the lessor power.
We have free will and that is something that no media company can take away.