Has the news become entertainment?
The truth can be difficult to figure out these days with so many Media outlets that ignore real life in favor of some half true but seriously misleading headline instead of what is really going on in the world.
We see it every day and it is becoming such a serious problem in this nation that the news more accurately resembles a tabloid paper at the supermarket.
Very recently a publication in a new england medical journal publication cited a thoroughly false narrative with no evidence scientific or otherwise and the media ran with it, they had no idea what they were even talking about.
Some ADHD medicines may increase psychosis more than others, ‘real-world’ data show
So, exactly what does the headline indicate?
Was scientific evidence used to come UP with the narrative?
Well No it was not scientifically arrived at! It was not objectively arrived at. In fact there is no real evidence at all that anything in that news story was accurate at all.
Well sorry no it’s not even close to being accurate.
The study used a database of insurance claims — notifications of what care patients received that are used by the payment system — that was analyzed by Aetion.
Are you serious?
Think about it, they used a database of insurance claims?
What part of that creates real data?
None of it does that is the problem with so much of the fake news industry.
They make up the news.
They have no authority to do this yet people automatically believe the malarkey that these pseudo scientific idiots spew out on a regular basis.
It just defies everything that anyone with a real science degree or even a real medical degree would think about.
Cry Wolf long enough and people will believe anything.