What this is unbelievable, not only could this be true but what if it were…
The fate of the Feinstein Gun Ban – and the rest of President Obama’s radical Big Government agenda – could be decided as soon as Tuesday.
That’s when the fight over Harry Reid’s scheme to SHUT UP all opposition by weakening the U.S. Senate filibuster is scheduled to take place.
Should Harry Reid and his allies succeed, President Obama will have virtually free reign to run roughshod over the United States Senate, setting the stage for even more radical assaults on our liberties.
That’s why it’s absolutely CRITICAL you sign your “Stop the Power Grab” Fax Bomb TODAY, before it’s too late.
You and I have already seen the damage President Obama is willing to inflict – even going ignoring our Second Amendment rights through Executive Orders.
Can you imagine President Obama and his statist pals could inflict with Senate serving as nothing more than a rubber stamp for his radical agenda?
As I’ve said before, America doesn’t need a king.
The U.S. Senate was intended to be a place where legislation was slowed down, where debate took place and where amendments were offered.
But without your help, 214 years of history could go down the toilet.
You see, current Senate rules require 67 votes – a two-thirds majority – to shut down debate and change the rules.
But for weeks now, Harry Reid has been working to ram through his “nuclear option” scheme with just 51 votes.
Inside vote counts show he was scrambling to reach that threshold.
But instead of fighting this scheme every step of the way, rumors are some of my colleagues are pushing for preemptive defeat by looking to cut a “deal.”
This would be nothing short of a DISASTER.
You and I both know who gets left out in the cold whenever the leadership both parties get together to gut years of precedent.
If any deal to weaken the filibuster is RAMMED into law, it could pave the way for massive new assaults on our liberties, including;
*** The Feinstein Gun Ban and a new national gun registration scheme hidden under the guise of “background checks;”
*** Giant new tax hikes spending increases instead of cuts in the looming battle over the debt ceiling;
*** New massive spending schemes that make “ObamaCare’s” $2.6 TRILLION price tag look fiscally responsible.
And that won’t even be close to the end of it.
Make no mistake. Any deal would leave constitutional stalwarts in the Republican Party severely hampered in our ability to stop President Obama’s legislative onslaught.
So please sign your “Stop the Power Grab” Fax Bomb IMMEDIATELY.
My goal is to flood the U.S. Senate with faxes starting this weekend, leading all the way up to the showdown on Tuesday.
And on Monday and Tuesday, I want as many supporters of liberty as possible to light up the Senate’s phone lines.
But I need your help to kick this massive phone blitz off.
Even if all you can do is chip in $10 or $20, it would be a tremendous help.
This insider deal-making and rule-gutting allowing President Obama and his pals to remake our country into a statist utopia MUST stop.
In Liberty,
Senator Rand Paul
P.S. The fate of the Feinstein Gun Ban – and the rest of President Obama’s radical Big Government agenda – could be decided as soon as Tuesday.
That’s when the fight over Harry Reid’s scheme to SHUT UP all opposition by weakening the U.S. Senate filibuster is scheduled to take place.
That’s why it’s absolutely CRITICAL you sign your “Stop the Power Grab” Fax Bomb TODAY, before it’s too late.
But time is running out, so please act TODAY!