The question that many people have is simply this, if weiner was man enough to allegedly send a picture of his, well, weiner, to a young woman, then why is he not man enough to admit that he did this and get on with his career, I mean the guy is allegedly a huge joke, around Washington, no one really takes this guy seriously right?
You see this guy and you almost feel sorry for him, but not quite, because he has a problem with shooting off his mouth in public, in fact he likes to yell and scream at other people.
So, when this scandal broke, we did not feel sorry for mr, weiner.
We felt like he should be as manly about how that picture got to that innocent girl, (allegedly innocent) as he is about his rants in congress when he uses up valuable time ranting and screaming at people that have actually served their nation.
He on the other hand has not really done much (that we can find) unless you count being some what unfaithful at least in his heart, to his wife, so in that measure, you really feel a little sorry for the guy but then you remember how he tends to shout and scream at people and you no longer feel sorry for him at all.
So what do you think about this guy?
Should he admit what he has done, every one knows that if your a democrat, or is that demoncrat, you never can tell these days, anyway, they have this thing that is a double standard.
If your a republican, the media, calls for investigations and the senator or congressman must step down and resign right away, even if they are not guilty. All it takes is that someone thinks they might be guilty.
If the media were fair about this then they would be asking and demanding that weiner resign.
Everything about this case suggests that this man is guilty.
Yet because he is a democrat, or demoncrat, he plans on walking for what he has done, you just have to wonder, if this is really what the democrats are all about, is this why we are in such a bad shape in this nation now?