Can we trust Washington to do the right thing?
The following was received in an email it may not represent the administrators or owners of this website, however it is interesting, to look at what is apparent to many…
Dear Patriot, We wrote you this morning about the solar company Solyndra and its seemingly corrupt dealings with the Obama administration. We’ve been informed that there were some problems with the link to the petition, and we sincerely apologize. The link has been fixed, and we need everyone who reads this letter to sign the petition today demanding Congress investigate the Solyndra scandal! The White House, in an attempt to hide the administration’s involvement in giving Solyndra a half billion taxpayer dollars, dumped some revealing emails on Friday night when they thought no one was watching. The California-based Solar energy company was made the poster child of the Obama administration’s push for green jobs, and the White House pushed through approval on a taxpayer-guaranteed loan of $535 million. Now, Solyndra has gone bankrupt and gone are the jobs that Obama and Biden so loudly touted, and gone also are the half-billion taxpayer dollars! Since the news first broke of Solyndra’s insolvency, the company’s executives were called before Congress – and they refused to answer any questions, pleading the Fifth! It’s obvious that something corrupt took place, and Congress must get to the bottom of it! And if Solyndra executives refusing to comment on their criminal wrongdoing isn’t enough, the emails released by the White House show that an Obama appointee in the Department of Energy overlooked an inherent conflict of interest and pushed the White House to approve the ill-advised loan. The conflict: his wife worked for Solyndra’s lawyer! We cannot stand for this corruption! At the end of the day, friends of the Obama administration walked away with $535 million in taxpayer funds, and those in government who allowed this to happen must be held accountable! We’ve sent nearly 100,000 letters to Congress demanding they investigate the Solyndra scandal, but that’s not nearly enough. We need to flood Washington with letters demanding they take action! Please, take a moment today to use our state-of-the-art petition system to contact your elected representatives and tell them we cannot allow this to go unanswered! *You do not have to make a donation to use the system, but your generous contributions allow us to continue to provide this service free of charge to patriots all across the country. Sign the petition now – we must stop cronyism in Washington! Thank you, Todd Cefaratti Freedom Organizer P.S. Our strength is in numbers. Please help our efforts by forwarding to a friend.