Gas prices go up

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When will it stop, and when will Obama be blamed for it like Bush was?  Are they really this dumb that they think the public is not aware of their duplicity?


Will history repeat, remember when a previous president tried to control the market by putting a freeze on prices and how disastrous it was for the economy, what was that by the way?


It seems there is no end in sight to the high prices being paid for gasoline, in fact some are predicting $7.00 per gallon by the end of this year, perhaps even more, but why are the prices going up so quickly, when it is a proven alleged, fact, from petroleum insiders, that it takes three months for the crude oil that is purchased to day to reach the gas pumps, so why is it that no one has done anything to prevent all this price gouging?

That would be a great question to ask if we actually had any reporters that were still asking questions at press conferences.

Considering, that we could release some of the oil for production, and actually pay down the enormous debt, why is this not being considered.

Think about that for a few minutes, how much oil could the US sell, on the market to satisfy some of the debt that we have allowed an out of control Washington to run up?


Crisis, in the USA as Gas prices head toward, the tipping point for the poor and the working consumer.

Diesel prices go up and up, and up, food will be next if you have not already done so, you need to seriously consider stocking up on food, at least buy more than you usually buy.


When the prices keep going up the ones that will be hurt the most are those that have to commute to work, imagine having to spend more money than you make just to get to a job that pays not even enough to feed you.

That is the future that awaits the average American if Oil reserves are not released.

As the Gas prices and the Gold prices go up the stock market is going down, it could be a rough ride over the next few days, some allegedly have said that a 400 point loss might be seen before a recovery is made, and that is note written in stone or gold as far as that goes.

Gas at $6 to $8 Dollars per Gallon coming to America?

They say gold is going up and up and up and where it stops no one knows, but hey let me give you one piece of really good advice.

People, You Cannot Eat your gold, it will not feed you when your hungry.

Hope that helps some of you out because, most people live from payday to payday, and they keep less than a three day supply of food and even less water.

Consider that for a moment and the gold comment will fit in much better.