From Bad to worse…

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When good men make bad mistakes, did blowing up levies protecting farm land cause more damage than allowing nature to take its course?

The flooding in the central US could have been allegedly made worse by the US Army Core of Engineers that allegedly attempted to save large cities by flooding farm lands, but could this have caused more damage than allowing nature to take its course?

My mother remembers the great floods of the 1930s when she walked across rail road tracks across high bridges, and the water was lapping just below her feed and the cross ties that spanned the bridge, it was a frightful memory for her however what many farmers of today are facing could be much worse because during the great floods of the 30s at least we still had people in Washington that were at least half way intelligent.

When you look at what is being done now you just have to scratch your head and wonder do these people even know what they are doing?