Facebook corruption

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Is it possible that the media are actually going to try to argue that a third party caused advertising about the 2016 election candidates that created the impression that one of the candidates was not honest or trustworthy…


Now, consider the truth here.

Americans from all over the nation voted in the 2016 election the election turn out was much higher than anyone expected, it was the People…

The People of this great Nation.

Voters and yes, tax payers, the will of the American People was performed.

Months later the media and members of congress are actively working against the president and the American People.

Attempting to try to explain away why the candidate they wanted to win actually lost.

Even now using Jeff Sessions like a Pawn having himself recuse himself from doing his job after the media and certain members of congress were asking about the so called, “Russian collusion” question.   But there was none and in fact the insanity of that question is still costing tax payers money just to do what exactly??? 

What are they trying and hoping to do now?

They want to overturn the will of the People…

now we have a media and yes apparently even Facebook that is prepared to call all the scandals about that one candidate, Fake News.

They want to say that because of the Fake News, (Benghazi, Email Gate, Private Server, Pay for Play) all that information that is commonly known to be the truth or alleged truth was all fake news and it was all done on Facebook…

So now mr Zucker himself is going to dance in front of congress, (after first meeting with members of congress first) Wow, so I guess we all know that its scripted now right?

Say, if any of us regular us voters ever have to appear in front of congress will we also have the same Ex parte meetings with lawyers and all before you question us…????



Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is testifying before Congress TODAY and TOMORROW regarding the enormous data mining breach that has gripped Zuckerberg’s company.

+ + Facebook’s Real Attacks Being MASKED…

Here at Liberty Counsel Action, we are concerned that the data and privacy issues will MASK the even more critical issue that Congress should be addressing this week.

I’m talking about the accelerated attacks on Christian and conservative groups by Facebook and the other “titans” of Silicon Valley.

As I have noted to you, Liberty Counsel Action has been monitoring the increasing attacks from these Silicon Valley giants against conservatives and especially people of faith. Liberty Counsel has been the target of these attacks, as we have been openly labeled as a “hate group” and even seen our organization banned by Silicon Valley elites.

In the past few weeks, even more attacks by Facebook have come to light. Facebook recently determined that postings by two high-profile, pro-Trump individuals were “unsafe to the community.” Meanwhile a leading conservative website is now having all its content marked as racist and xenophobic by Facebook!

+ + URGENT ACTION To Confront Facebook’s Attacks.

That’s why Liberty Counsel Action is launching an urgent FAX BARRAGE demanding that Congress confront Facebook’s anti-faith and anti-conservative agenda.