We could be about to face some serious problems, because we have no leadership and the liberal press, is not even reporting the real news, it is amazing to see these people in action, they really believe in what they think is the right thing to do here, sadly they are mistaken, miss informed and only interested in missing the point.
Amazing stuff here folks…
Received in an email, (may not reflect the opinion of the owners of this website)
Dear Patriot,
The liberals have issued their new set of talking points, and, as usual, instead of taking any responsibility for their failed policies, they are trying to turn the tables and demonize you just as Saul Alinsky taught them in “Rules For Radicals”! They are using one of his first rules of propaganda, which is that if you repeat a lie enough, people will accept it as the truth. The Tea Party movement is not insignificant, racist, terrorist or even radically right-wing. The Tea Party movement is a political movement driven by regular, everyday American people who are concerned about the impact that reckless fiscal policies will have on the prosperity of our children and grandchildren.
The liberal media has been driving the narrative that the Tea Party movement is actually a front for scary “big” corporations and billionaires like the Koch brothers. They are advancing the idea that we are some kind of conspiracy, and, sadly, the lie is being repeated enough that some of the less informed voters are starting to believe the lie. The Tea Party isn’t some kind of conspiracy or a right-wing mob. The Tea Party movement is a set of ideas being advanced by Grandmas and Grandpas, Moms and Dads, Retail Workers, Dishwashers, Entrepreneurs and Doctors and others from many walks of life. We have united to fight for limited government, personal responsibility, and the free market just as our founding fathers did when they were farmers and craftsmen and rose up together to fight against taxation and tyranny by their government at that time. The American people need to see and hear that we aren’t the boogey men that we are being made out to be, so we are going to show them.
To reveal the truth about the Tea Party movement, our team is currently producing a series of powerful television commercials that will highlight both what our movement stands for and who actually belongs to this movement. It is critical that we defend ourselves in the public domain and there our two ways that you can help!
1. Contribute what you can. National TV ads on Fox News cost a great deal of money. These ads will cost approximately $50,000 to produce. The scripts are currently in production, but if we are going to be able to hire a professional agency to shoot/produce these videos we are going to need to raise that $50,000 before the open of business Monday. Please help us fight back against the liberal propaganda by making a generous contribution today!
2. Send us your videos and stories. We are looking for regular Americans to appear in these commercials. Send us a video of yourself saying “I Am The Tea Party” and how you are involved in the movement and you may be selected to be one of the patriots highlighted in these commercials! Videos should be sent to kris@theteaparty.net.
Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer